Travel contract and general terms and conditions for booking and purchasing tourist package services, linked travel arrangements of the travel agency Atlantis travel doo


The subject of this contract is the regulation of mutual relations between the travel organizer – the travel agency Atlantis travel doo (hereinafter AGENCY) and the PASSENGER, i.e. the travel contractor in the event that the travel contractor enters into this contract for the benefit of a third party as a passenger (hereinafter PASSENGER). This travel contract also contains the General Conditions and instructions for tourist arrangements, i.e. it refers to the travel program that contains all the necessary information. The contract is considered binding after it has been signed by the PASSENGER and an employee of the Atlantis agency or any other agency authorized to sell Atlantis packages, and after the PASSENGER has paid the price of the tourist package in full or a part of the price and indisputably ensures payment of the remaining amount by the agreed date. If the passenger is not able to sign the contract in person, the contract becomes legal only when the AGENCY receives the entire agreed amount of the price of the arrangement or, if it was expressly agreed, part of the agreed price and documentation that indisputably ensures the payment of the remaining part of the price by the agreed date. The passenger can register for the trip at all Atlantis branches and other authorized agencies in person, by phone, on the Internet or by any other means of remote communication.

When entering into the Agreement, the Passenger is obliged to provide accurate personal data of all passengers, i.e. persons entered in the reservation as they are entered in the travel documents that the passengers will use during the trip, i.e. at the end of the reservation, and to submit all documentation necessary for organizing the trip in a timely manner, all in accordance with Regulations of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on free movement and the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection. As a travel agency, ATLANTIS TRAVEL guarantees that it will use all documents and valid data necessary for the smooth implementation of the trip in accordance with the legal regulations arising from the Agreement and General Terms and Conditions. The AGENCY is not responsible for the use or forwarding of incorrect or incomplete personal data of persons entered in the reservation, and all costs incurred due to incorrect or incomplete personal data of persons entered in the reservation will be paid by the Passenger.

Since when making certain arrangements, in order to make reservations, there is a need to conclude a contract with foreign or domestic suppliers (tour operator, airline or other supplier) and although for most of such reservations the AGENCY acts as an agent, i.e. a representative, towards the suppliers, we do not accept any responsibility for acts or omissions of suppliers or for services provided by them. In these situations, the Supplier’s Terms and Conditions will apply to the Passenger’s reservation.


The agency is obliged to provide the passenger with services that have the content and features provided for in the contract and to take care of the rights and interests of the passenger, by business practices in this industry. Before entering into a contract on organizing a trip, the travel organizer or intermediary agency is obliged to provide the traveler with all pre-contractual information for the package deal, make available the appropriate promotional material or program in printed or electronic form, provide him with all relevant information related to the trip, and hands him general travel conditions that are an integral part of this contract and offers him a package of travel insurance and cancellation insurance. The travel organizer is bound by the information contained in the promotional materials or the program unless the travel contractor has agreed otherwise with the travel organizer due to the fact that the promotional material/program indicated that there is a possibility of changing the data, which means that the relevant clauses from this contract, and what is evident from this contract. The Agency will carry out all the mentioned obligations from its programs in full and in the manner described. The agency excludes any responsibility in case of changes and non-performance of services caused by force majeure (war, riots, strikes, terrorist actions, sanitary disturbances, weather disasters, intervention of competent authorities, traffic accidents, traffic jams, delays and disruptions of public transport in the city being visited, etc. ), and due to the delay of means of transport for which the carrier is not responsible according to traffic regulations and international conventions. In these cases, the Agency is not obliged to cover the additional costs of the Passenger. If possible, the agency will offer an alternative solution in such cases. The Agency is not obliged to provide services outside of these Terms. The agency is not responsible for possible printing errors.

2.1. PRE-CONTRACT INFORMATION – travel offer on the website, brochure, flyer, catalog

The agency is obliged to provide the passenger with services that have the content and features provided for in the contract and to take care of the rights and interests of the passenger, in accordance with business practices in this industry. Before entering into a contract on organizing a trip, the travel organizer or intermediary agency is obliged to provide the passenger with all pre-contractual information for the package deal, makes available the appropriate promotional material or program in printed or electronic form, provides him with all relevant information related to the trip, and hands him general travel conditions that are an integral part of this contract and offers him a package of travel insurance and cancellation insurance. The travel organizer is bound by the information contained in the promotional materials or the program, unless the travel contractor has agreed otherwise with the travel organizer due to the fact that the promotional material/program indicated that there is a possibility of changing the data, which means that the relevant clauses from this contract, and what is evident from this contract. The Agency will carry out all the mentioned obligations from its programs in full and in the manner described. The agency excludes any responsibility in case of changes and non-performance of services caused by force majeure (war, riots, strikes, terrorist actions, sanitary disturbances, weather disasters, intervention of competent authorities, traffic accidents, traffic jams, delays and disruptions of public transport in the city being visited, etc. ), and due to the delay of means of transport for which the carrier is not responsible according to traffic regulations and international conventions. In these cases, the Agency is not obliged to cover the additional costs of the Passenger. If possible, the agency will offer an alternative solution in such cases. The Agency is not obliged to provide services outside of these Terms. The agency is not responsible for possible printing errors.

The Agency pays great attention to the presentation of the program on promotional materials (website, flyers, catalogs, etc.), but irregularities and errors are possible, which the Agency will try to correct as soon as possible. The Agency is not responsible for possible errors in the press, on the website, or for subsequent changes in new editions of promotional materials and programs to which the attention of the Passenger was drawn, before the conclusion of the Agreement, so in this sense, the information specified in the Agreement-offer is considered authoritative, no promotional material.

In addition to the General Conditions of Travel, the passenger is also provided with a standard information form for a package travel contract and the most important rights in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Services in Tourism. More detailed documentation is sent:

2.1.a) Form with standard information for a package travel contract when the travel organizer is Atlantis travel.

When a combination of package travel services is offered in the sense of the Act on the provision of services in tourism: The passenger has all the rights arising from the provisions of the Act on the provision of services in tourism that refer to the package arrangement. The travel agency Atlantis travel has a legally prescribed insured guarantee for compensation of the passenger’s payments and, if the transport is included in the package deal, ensuring the repatriation of the passenger in case it becomes insolvent.

2.1.b) Form with standard information for a package travel contract when the travel organizer is another travel agency

When a combination of travel services is offered as a package arrangement within the meaning of the Act on the provision of services in tourism: The passenger has all the rights arising from the provisions of the Act on the provision of services in tourism that refer to the package arrangement. The travel agency that organizes the trip is fully responsible for the proper execution of the package as a whole. The travel agency that organizes the trip has a legally prescribed insured guarantee for compensation of the passenger’s payments and, if the transport is included in the package deal, ensuring the repatriation of the passenger in case it becomes insolvent.

2.2. The most important rights in accordance with the Law on providing services in tourism.


When checking in, to confirm the reservation, the traveler pays 40% of the price of the arrangement (unless otherwise specified in the program). The balance up to the total price of the arrangement is paid no later than 30 days before the start of the trip (unless otherwise stated for a specific program) or documentation is provided for undisputed payment of the total price of the arrangement. If the traveler does not fulfill his obligation no later than 30 days before departure, he will be considered to have abandoned the reservation without the possibility of returning the advance payment.
The AGENCY undertakes to process the reservation requested “on request” within 2 working days (Saturday is not considered a working day) and to notify the passenger in writing or orally. If the AGENCY does not inform the traveler about what has been done within the specified period or is unable to secure a reservation for the requested arrangement, the entire amount of the payment will be returned to the traveler. If the traveler does not accept the reservation requested and confirmed by the AGENCY, the payment costs will not be refunded, including the compensation for the reservation costs. To confirm reservations under the “Fortuna system” or “Last minute” offers, the PASSENGER is obliged to immediately pay the amount of the arrangement in full or ensure undisputed payment of the entire amount of the arrangement.

If the contractor concluded a contract on organizing a trip as a “last minute” trip or according to the “fortune” system (paying for a hotel of a lower category and using a higher category hotel if there is room), then the traveler accepts all the risks of such a trip. These trips contain uncertain facts that the tour operator cannot influence, and the traveler primarily accepted such a trip because of the favorable price, so the traveler has no right to complain to the tour operator. If the PASSENGER pays for the arrangement at a higher price and subsequently sees that it is on sale as a Special Offer, Promotion, or Last Minute, he is not entitled to a refund of the difference in the price of the arrangement. By signing the Contract with his hand and/or paying the agreed advance payment, the traveler confirms his consent, i.e. the expression of his will to choose, and fully accepts the seen offer with all accompanying content and price, based on his own choice, he confirms the seen-published and waives any further objections and complaints.

The contracting parties agree that the travel organizer has the right to increase the price from this contract before the start of the trip if, after the conclusion of the contract, there were changes in the exchange rate of the contracted currency, an increase in transportation costs, including fuel costs, or an increase in fees for certain services (in air and other ports, etc.) that affect the price of the trip, and about which he did not know and could not have known. The travel contractor or the traveler has the right to terminate the travel arrangement contract if the increase in the fixed price amounts to more than 8%. In that case, they have the right to a refund of the price paid until then without the right to compensation. If there is an increase in the agreed price in the amount of more than 8%, the passenger has the right to withdraw from the arrangement, provided that he is obliged to inform the Agency in writing within 2 days of receiving the notification. If the passenger does not submit his cancellation to the Agency in writing and within the specified period, he is considered to have agreed to the price change. At the request of the travel organizer’s representative, the traveler must present proof that he has paid the price in full, because if the price has not been paid, the traveler cannot start the trip, unless otherwise agreed by the contracting parties. The published prices are the result of the agency’s contract with its partners and do not have to correspond to the prices displayed on the spot in the destination where the traveler is staying. In the case of airline tickets, the airline fees are subject to change until the day the airline ticket is issued. In the event of an increase in air fares, the passenger is obliged to bear the cost of the price difference. By paying for the trip, the Contractor/Traveler confirms that he is aware of the fact that the price for other travelers may change as a result of subsequent actions and promotions that affect the price, and that the prices may be lower.


The offered hotels, apartments or other facilities in the published programs are described according to the official categorization of the respective country at the time of the program release. We point out that local categorization differs significantly in individual countries. Accommodation, food, comfort and other services are under the supervision of local and national tourism authorities, and the standards of accommodation and services are different and not comparable. The Agency does not assume responsibility for any oral or written information that is not in accordance with the description of services and facilities in the published programs, valid for the mentioned trip, and which was given either by Agency employees or a third party. The schedule of accommodation in rooms or apartments is determined by the reception in the place of stay. If the traveler has not expressly agreed on a room/apartment with special features, he will accept any officially registered room/apartment for rent in a particular facility or destination described in the travel program. Accommodation in the hotel and entry into the accommodation unit is usually possible between 15:00 and 20:00 on the day the service begins, and it must be vacated by 10:00 on the day the service ends, unless otherwise stated in the travel program. For later arrivals at accommodation facilities (after 8 p.m.), it is necessary to notify the Agency beforehand, at least one day before departure, if such a later arrival is not foreseen in the travel program. If a traveler uses a triple or multi-bed room in a hotel, the hotelier usually provides a double room with an extra bed. The quality of the extra bed depends entirely on the hotel. In no case does the agency bear responsibility for any issue regarding the quality of the extra bed, and any passenger dissatisfaction resulting from these reasons cannot be the subject of a complaint. The name of the hotel and the hotel’s website will be delivered to the passenger no later than 2 working days before departure. Before departure, we ask travelers to inform themselves about the location and quality of accommodation through the provided information such as hotel names, internet links, and all complaints regarding accommodation must be submitted to the agency in writing no later than 24 hours before departure. Subsequent objections, after the traveler has used the contracted accommodation service, will not be respected, and the traveler, by contracting the trip, specifically declares that he is aware of this fact and that he waives the right to object if the accommodation is in a hotel as defined in the final notification. The service of breakfast or other meals in the hotel may differ depending on the destination and customs and the very level of quality and service of an individual facility, and the Agency in no case assumes responsibility for the quality or content of the breakfast, and the traveler, by contracting the trip, specifically declares that he is familiar with by that fact. The agency reserves the right to change the hotel, provided that it provides a hotel in the same or higher category


A passenger applying for a trip abroad must have valid travel documents. When registering or by the deadline specified in the program, the traveler is obliged to submit to the Agency all the necessary information and documents for obtaining a visa for the country to which he is traveling. The agency does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. If the traveler does not fulfill the stated obligations or his request for a visa is rejected, it will be considered that the traveler has abandoned the trip. The passenger is obliged to comply with customs, foreign exchange and other regulations. If the traveler cannot continue his journey due to non-compliance with the regulations, he bears all the costs and consequences that arise as a result. If the passenger loses his travel documents or they are stolen during the trip, he is obliged to provide new ones at his own expense. The traveler is obliged to ensure that he personally, his documents and luggage meet the requirements stipulated by visa, border, customs, health and other regulations, both of the Republic of Croatia and of the country to which he is traveling, to comply with house rules in catering and hotel establishments and to cooperate with representative of travel organizers and service providers in good faith. In case of failure to comply with the above obligations, the passenger is responsible for the damage caused, and the Agency removes any responsibility for such damage. In this case, the passenger settles the amount of damage with the owner of the facility (hotel, apartment, etc.) at the reception. When signing the contract, an employee of the Agency will inform the traveler about the sources of information about the country to which the traveler is traveling, including the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. We recommend that every traveler get information in person on the website www. and look at the list of countries of high or moderate risk according to MVPEI of the Republic of Croatia.

We recommend all travelers who are not citizens of Croatia and do not have Croatian travel documents to personally inform themselves about the country they are traveling to and the conditions that must be met for traveling to that country, bearing in mind the different regulations that apply to citizens of individual countries, before paying for the package. The AGENCY can direct the traveler to the source of information, but in no way assumes responsibility for the consequences that could arise for the traveler as a result of non-compliance with these regulations. Invalid travel documents, i.e. disapproval of a visa, which results in cancellation of the trip, does not in any respect oblige the AGENCY to apply the terms of cancellation of the trip. The agency removes any responsibility for damage that would result from non-compliance with the regulations of individual countries or that would be caused by invalid travel documents.


According to the Act on the provision of services in tourism, the agency’s employees are obliged to offer the traveler a “package” of travel insurance, which consists of: voluntary health insurance during the stay abroad, insurance against the consequences of an accident, luggage insurance and travel cancellation insurance. By signing the contract, the traveler confirms that he has been offered a travel insurance package. In the event that the Traveler wishes to contract the aforementioned insurances, they can be contracted directly with the insurer or with the Agency, whereby the Agency acts only as an intermediary of the insurance company. Travel cancellation insurance, according to the conditions of the insurance company, can only be contracted with voluntary health insurance for persons during the trip and stay abroad, it is contracted when concluding the Travel Contract and it cannot be contracted subsequently at the Agency. If the Traveler does not submit the information for the creation of the insurance policy within the period specified on the offer, it is considered that the Traveler does not want to contract travel insurance or will contract it independently. The insurance premium is calculated depending on the duration and price of the trip according to the price list of the insurance company. Valid reasons for trip cancellation are determined by the insurance company in accordance with the insurance conditions. Paid insurance premiums are not subject to cancellation insurance, nor part of the package arrangement, and will not be refunded, nor will the costs of acquiring visas and reservation services, despite the fact that the Traveler has paid cancellation insurance. If the Traveler has to cancel the trip, the Agency reserves the right to charge an appropriate fee according to the rules specified in point 8 of these General Terms and Conditions. Other insurance conditions are included with the insurance policy that will be sent or delivered to passengers.


If, when registering for a trip, the traveler foresees that he would have to cancel the trip due to certain situations, we recommend paying for a cancellation insurance policy. Cancellation insurance cannot be paid later, but only when registering for the trip. Cancellation insurance is valid only in the following cases, with mandatory written confirmation: military call-up, illness or death in the immediate family or other reasons accepted by the appropriate insurance company with which the AGENCY has a representation contract. If the traveler does not have contracted cancellation insurance, and has to cancel the trip and has a certificate of military service, illness or death, the Agency reserves the right to payment according to the rules specified in Article 8 of this Agreement. When canceling the arrangement, the cost of obtaining a visa is not paid, even if the traveler has paid cancellation insurance. By paying for the cancellation insurance policy, the traveler transfers all his claims to the insurance company whose cancellation insurance policy he owns, and the Agency undertakes to provide the traveler with all the documentation necessary for realizing the passenger’s claim against the insurance company, which relates to the arrangement. In order to be able to activate the cancellation insurance policy, it is necessary to make the remaining payment in percentage as defined in the segment “trip cancellation by the contractor/passenger” depending on the date of the written cancellation, which is the basis for calculating compensation, i.e. cancellation costs (cancellation penalty). which the Agency will charge to cover the losses incurred due to the cancellation of the reservation. All cancellation conditions are listed in the insurance conditions, and we definitely recommend that every passenger study them personally in detail.


The passenger can terminate the travel contract in writing at any time in whole or in part.
In the promotional material/programme and/or the general conditions of the trip, the travel organizer has determined the method of calculating the compensation that the traveler/travel contractor is required to pay in case of termination of the contract on organizing the trip, and the traveler/travel contractor confirms by signing this contract that he is familiar with this information.
If the traveler is prevented from starting the trip, then he can designate a third person to use the contracted services instead of him if he has informed the travel organizer about this in writing. The travel organizer will accept a third person named as a replacement passenger, if the third person meets all the conditions for the trip, and if there are no legal or other prescribed obstacles that prevent the third person from traveling to a certain country or the law of the third country that is the destination of the trip does not allow substitution passenger or if it is not possible to change the reservation. Before the start of the trip, the third party or the travel contractor/passenger is obliged to reimburse the travel organizer for all additional costs caused by the replacement of passengers.

In these cases of passenger substitution, the AGENCY charges only the costs caused by the substitution

-for bus travel €15 per person (INCLUDING VAT)

 -for air travel €50 per person (INCLUDING VAT)

– the possibility of transferring the Contract and the cost of the transfer depend on the policy and tariff of the airline company. Since airline tickets are contracts of carriage between the airline and the Passenger, are issued in the name of the Passenger, and are not transferable (see point 14.1.2.), the existing ticket is canceled according to the terms of the tariff at which the ticket was purchased and a new ticket is purchased in the name of the new Passenger according to the valid and available tariff, at the time of issuing the new ticket. Before the start of the trip, the third party or the travel contractor/passenger is obliged to reimburse the travel organizer for all additional costs caused by the passenger substitution.

In case of cancellation of the trip by the Passenger, the tour organizer retains the amount paid in the amount that depends on the date of cancellation of the trip according to the following schedule (unless otherwise stated in the program).

a) If the Traveler cancels the arrangement for a trip to Croatia/holiday, the AGENCY will retain the following amount from the total price of the arrangement in the name of damages:

i) more than 30 days before departure: 30% of the price of the arrangement, at least €30
ii) from 29 to 22 days before departure: 40% of the price of the arrangement
iii) from 21 to 15 days before departure: 80% of the price of the arrangement
iv) from 14 to 0 days before departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement
vi) after departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement

b) If the Passenger cancels the arrangement for a European trip by bus or plane up to and including 5 nights, the AGENCY retains the following amount from the total price of the arrangement in the name of compensation:
i) more than 30 days before departure: 40% of the price of the arrangement, and at least €30
ii) from 29 to 22 days before departure: 80% of the price of the arrangement
iii) from 21 to 0 days before departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement
iv) after departure, “no show” or for travel interruption by the Traveler, the Agency will charge 100% of the price of the arrangement

c) If the Passenger cancels the arrangement for a European trip by bus or plane of 6 nights or more, the AGENCY retains the following amount from the total price of the arrangement in the name of compensation:

i) more than 60 days before departure: 30% of the price of the arrangement, and at least €50
ii) from 59 to 45 days before departure: 40% of the price of the arrangement
iii) from 44 to 0 days before departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement
iv) after departure, no show” or for interruption of the trip by the Traveler, the Agency will charge 100% of the price of the arrangement

d) If the Passenger cancels the arrangement for travel outside Europe (including long-distance travel, foreign language courses), the AGENCY retains the following amount from the total price of the arrangement for damages:

i) up to 90 days before departure: 20% of the price of the arrangement
ii) from 89 to 60 days before departure: 40% of the price of the arrangement
iii) from 59 days before departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement
iv) after departure, no show” or for interruption of the trip by the Traveler, the Agency will charge 100% of the price of the arrangement

e) if the Passenger cancels the cruise arrangement, the AGENCY retains the following amount from the total price of the arrangement as compensation:

i) more than 180 days before departure fixed damage compensation €100 per person (non-refundable)
ii) from 179 to 120 days before departure: 15% of the price of the arrangement
iii) from 119 to 90 days before departure: 30% of the price of the arrangement
iv) from 89 to 60 days before departure: 45% of the price of the arrangement
v) from 59 to 30 days before departure to the day of departure: 75% of the price of the arrangement
vi) from 29 to 0 days before departure: 100% of the price of the arrangement
vii) ) after departure, no show” or for interruption of the trip by the Traveler, the Agency will charge 100% of the price of the arrangement

  • For individual departures, the shipping company’s cancellation conditions apply
  • For group cruises organized by other agencies, the cancellation conditions of the Responsible Organizer apply

f) Transfers 120 – 91 days before departure: 10% of the transfer price
90 – 61 days before departure: 20% of the transfer price
60 – 45 days before departure: 30% of the transfer price
44 – 31 days before departure: 50% of the transfer price
30 – 21 days before departure 70% of the transfer price
20 – 0 days before departure 100% of the transfer price
after departure and “no show” 100% of the transfer price

g) if the Traveler cancels the arrangement SKIING, STUDENT AND EXTRA-COURSE TRAVELS ABROAD (unless otherwise agreed in writing), Atlantis travel doo, regardless of the date and reason for cancellation, retains the full amount paid. WE RECOMMEND THE PAYMENT OF TRAVEL INSURANCE (CANCELLATION INSURANCE POLICY).

h) if the Passenger cancels a related travel arrangement that includes an airline ticket and accommodation, the AGENCY retains 100% of the price of the airline ticket from the total price of the arrangement as compensation (unless it is specified in the conditions of the airline ticket tariff

i) if the Passenger cancels the related travel arrangement that includes the air ticket and accommodation, the AGENCY retains 100% of the total price of the arrangement for damages (unless otherwise stated in the terms of the air fare) regardless of the time until the start of the trip , and the cancellation of hotels and other services is subject to the conditions under paragraph b), except when the service is reserved under special non-refundable conditions when the service provider retains 100% of the amount of the service in question.

The mentioned cancellation costs also apply to changes in the date of departure and/or the accommodation facility, i.e. the type of room/apartment, as well as to all other important changes. When canceling a trip, the cost of obtaining a visa/s or travel documents is not paid. In the event that the Traveler cancels or shortens the trip due to weather conditions, the AGENCY will apply the above provisions, and subsequent complaints will not be considered. If special conditions apply to some programs and arrangements, the AGENCY will state them when contracting and they will be applied. Verbal cancellation The passenger is obliged to confirm in writing either by post, fax or e-mail. If the Traveler does not confirm the verbal cancellation in writing, it will be considered that he did not cancel the trip. If the Traveler interrupts the current trip at his own request, he is not entitled to compensation for the costs incurred due to an early return. For example If there was no snow at the destination and he went skiing or it rained on vacation.

If the damage actually occurred is greater than the above, the AGENCY reserves the right to collect it upon presentation of evidence of actual costs, up to a maximum of 100% of the price of the arrangement.

If the Traveler does not make the payment of the balance up to the total amount no later than 30 days (for a European trip by bus or plane up to and including 5 nights) or 45 days before the trip (for a European trip by bus or plane of 6 or more nights and a trip outside Europe/long-distance trips) price of the arrangement or does not provide documentation for undisputed payment of the total price of the arrangement, it will be considered that he has given up the reservation without the possibility of returning the advance payment

j) no later than 90 days before departure, the passenger may request in writing to change the departure date, if there are no additional costs from the hotel, airline and supplier, otherwise the conditions under point 8 of the General Terms and Conditions apply. If it is possible to change the departure date according to the above, the costs of making a reservation for the new departure date will be charged:

 – for bus travel €50 per reservation (including VAT)

– for air travel €100 per reservation (including VAT)

The traveler has the right to terminate the package travel contract before the start of the trip without paying the contract termination fee in case of extraordinary circumstances that could not be avoided, which occurred at the destination or in its immediate vicinity and which significantly affect the fulfillment of the package arrangement or which significantly affect the transportation of passengers at the destination.

For “NO SHOW” For “NO SHOW” and for incomplete/invalid travel documents – 100% of the price of the arrangement

The agency charges the actual replacement costs if the passenger-holder of the contract cancels the trip and finds another user of the same reservation who meets all the conditions for using the mentioned arrangement. If the traveler cancels or shortens the trip due to weather conditions, the Agency will apply the above-mentioned scale, and subsequent complaints will not be accepted.
When the costs are actually incurred or when the share of fixed costs of the group is higher than those in the specified scale, the travel organizer reserves the right to collect the costs incurred. These notice periods also apply to changing the date of departure or the accommodation facility, and in all other cases. If the passenger cancels the trip during the trip, at his request or because of a necessary need, he is not entitled to reimbursement of expenses upon his return. The travel organizer charges administrative costs if the travel contractor/traveler cancels the trip or finds a new user of the same reservation, as well as in the event that a traveler who has paid cancellation insurance cancels the trip. In the case of cancellation of all arrangements, the cost of acquiring visas, travel documents, or insurance policies is not paid. At the same time as the travel payment, it is recommended to pay the travel cancellation insurance.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each passenger/holder of the Agreement submits a complaint separately, and the Agency will not consider group complaints


The passenger is obliged to inform the Agency of all facts regarding his health, habits, etc. that could jeopardize the course of the trip (if for health and other reasons he is looking for a certain type of food, suffers from chronic diseases, allergies, etc.The traveler is obliged to inform the Agency about all facts regarding his health, habits, etc., which could endanger the progress of the trip (if he is looking for a certain type of food for health and other reasons, suffers from a chronic disease, allergies, etc.). In some programs, special rules for travel are specified, which include mandatory vaccinations and the acquisition of appropriate documents. The passenger is obliged to complete the mandatory vaccinations as well as to have certificates and documents to that effect. For traveling abroad, we recommend paying for a travel health insurance policy.


Baggage transportation up to a certain weight, determined by the carrier, is free of charge. In the case of air transport, if excess baggage is possible, the passenger pays for it according to the applicable rules and prices of the carrier. Children under the age of 2 are not entitled to free baggage transportation. The AGENCY does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged luggage. Claims for lost luggage should be made to the carrier or hotel. In the case of air transport, the airline company is solely responsible for the baggage, based on the regulations that apply in air traffic. When traveling by bus, the passenger can take 2 pieces of personal luggage, unless otherwise stated in the program. Passengers are obliged to take care of their belongings and take them with them every time they leave. In case of loss of luggage at the hotel, the passenger submits a request to the hotel where the luggage was lost. We recommend paying for a baggage insurance policy. The organizer is not responsible for destroyed or lost luggage in the means of transport, nor for the theft of luggage or valuables in the hotel.


According to the Act on the provision of services in tourism, the AGENCY has concluded an insurance contract with the insurance company UNIQA OSIGURANJE DD, Planinska 13a, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB 75665455333, telephone 01 6324 200, fax 01/6324250 caused to the passenger by non-fulfillment, partial fulfillment or irregular fulfillment of obligations, number 11-7003043969. At the PASSENGER’s request, the agency’s staff will inform the PASSENGER of the content of the valid Liability Insurance Agreement for damage caused by the AGENCY to the traveler through non-fulfillment, partial fulfillment or irregular fulfillment of obligations related to the package deal, and the Traveler confirms that he is familiar with the content by signing the Travel Agreement. of the aforementioned Insurance Agreement.
Following the Act on the provision of services in tourism, the AGENCY concluded an insurance contract with the insurer in case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the travel organizer due to which the travel service is absent, i.e. for reimbursement of the costs of the Traveler’s return to the place of departure. In the event of an insured event, the Traveler should contact the insurer UNIQA OSIGURANJE DD, Planinska 13a, 10 000 Zagreb,, telephone 01 6324 200, fax 01/6324250, as soon as possible. Guarantee insurance policy number 45-7003043881. This document is valid as a Certificate of Insurance in case of bankruptcy or insolvency of the tour operator. The AGENCY has a contracted accident insurance policy no. P41N-1025898008 with the insurance company GENERALI OSIGURANJE D.D., Slavonska avenija 1b, 10 000 Zagreb OIB10840749604, phone 01 4600 400, fax 01 4600 600.


If the AGENCY significantly changes the program, accommodation or price before the start of the trip, it is obliged to notify the traveler in writing without delay. The passenger can accept the changed program or reject it within 2 working days from the receipt of the AGENCY notification. In case of deduction, the Agency undertakes to return the paid part of the price to the passenger within 14 working days. In case of acceptance, the replacement arrangement offered by the AGENCY is considered a new travel contract, with the traveler waiving all claims against the AGENCY on any legal basis arising from the original contract. If, after the start of the trip, the AGENCY has not provided a major part of the contracted services, or if it judges that it will not be able to ensure the fulfillment of a major part of the contracted services, the AGENCY may, at its own expense and with the consent of the passenger, make changes to the program for the continuation of the trip and, if necessary, compensate the passenger for the difference in price between contracted and actually provided services. With the written consent of the passenger, the AGENCY may replace the unperformed part of the service with another service, whereby the passenger waives the right to claims from the AGENCY for the mutually agreed and modified part of the trip in relation to the concluded travel contract. If the AGENCY could not adequately change the travel program or if the traveler does not accept the changes for justified reasons, the AGENCY will enable him to return to the place of departure or another place, if the traveler agrees, at his own expense, and compensate him for any possible damage suffered at the same time. The damage is paid in the amount of the part of the price of the unused part of the contracted program, based on the passenger’s complaint. The AGENCY will resolve the complaint in the manner specified in point 17 of this contract. The largest amount of damage can be the price of the contracted arrangement.
The AGENCY is authorized by a unilateral statement to terminate the contract in full or in part, without the obligation to compensate the passenger, if external extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances occur that could not be prevented, avoided or eliminated, and which, if they existed at the time of the conclusion of the contract on organizing the trip, would have been a justified reason for the AGENCY not to conclude a contract. In that case, the passenger has the right to a refund of the paid amount in full, that is, the price difference between the contracted and provided services.

The AGENCY reserves the right to cancel the trip, no later than 5 days before the start of the trip, if the trip was canceled by the travel organizer for whom the AGENCY was an intermediary in the sale of the specified arrangement, or if the minimum number of passengers required for the realization of the arrangement specified in each individual travel program was not registered for a particular trip. or for any other valid reason. For trips that last 6 or more days – 20 days before the start of the trip, for trips of 3-5 days – 7 days before the start of the trip, and for trips shorter than 2 days – 48 hours before the start of the trip. The agency is obliged to return to the traveler all the amount paid for the arrangement. The minimum number of passengers required for each trip is indicated separately for each program/arrangement. If extraordinary circumstances occur that cannot be predicted, avoided or eliminated, the travel organizer has the right to change the program.

The AGENCY reserves the right to change the day or time of travel due to a change in the flight schedule or due to the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances, the right to change the direction of travel if the conditions for travel change (changed flight schedule, security situation in a certain country, natural disasters or other situations that the AGENCY cannot influence ), without compensation for damage, and according to valid regulations in domestic and international traffic. For any irregularity in air traffic, the agency cannot assist, but the passenger must submit a complaint directly to the airline. If overbooking occurs on the flight, the passenger is obliged to cooperate with the representatives of the airline company and they must try to find a suitable solution together, because the airline company, not the Agency, is solely responsible for such circumstances. If the circumstances at the destination make it impossible to accommodate the passenger in the reserved facility, the organizer will accommodate the passenger in another facility of the same or higher category than the one reserved and at his own expense. The agency does not assume responsibility for changes due to unforeseen circumstances and force majeure during the trip. In this case, it can provide services considering the given situation.

The AGENCY does not assume responsibility for changes due to unforeseen circumstances and force majeure during the trip. In this case, it can provide services based on the given situation. The AGENCY is not responsible for possible errors in the printing of the program as part of brochures/catalogs, as well as for incorrect data entries by operators on the Agency’s web pages.
The agency can also cancel the trip due to force majeure, i.e. due to unusual and unforeseeable events over which the organizer has no influence. Force majeure does not mean overbooking, but therefore includes state regulations, strikes, wars or crises similar to wars, …


The traveler is obliged to inform the agency of all facts regarding his health, habits, etc., which could endanger the progress of the trip (if for health and other reasons he is looking for a certain type of diet, suffers from a chronic disease, etc.), and this information is not allowed by the agency forward to third parties other than those involved in the implementation of the program, because otherwise the passenger’s right to privacy is violated. In the case of the impossibility of continuing the journey, due to a violation of regulations by the passenger, all incurred costs are borne by the violator. Upon arrival at the destination, the passenger is obliged to hand over to the service provider a document about the paid service – a hotel voucher. The passenger provides personal data voluntarily. The passenger’s personal data is necessary in the process of realizing the requested service. The same will be used for further mutual communication. Passengers’ personal data will be stored in the database in accordance with the Management’s decision on the method of collecting, processing and storing personal data. The agency has the right to request and keep copies of documents if this is necessary for the realization of the trip. According to the current law on residence tax in the Republic of Croatia, the traveler is obliged to pay the residence tax at the same time as paying for the accommodation service. Exceptionally, in accordance with the law of the country to which the traveler is traveling, the traveler is obliged to pay the corresponding residence tax on the spot, and they will be informed about the amount before the trip. The traveler is obliged to ensure that his documents and belongings meet the conditions stipulated by the border, customs, health and other regulations of his country as well as the country to which he is traveling. The traveler is obliged to comply with the travel program and house rules in catering and accommodation facilities and in means of transport, and to cooperate with the representative of the travel organizer and service providers in good faith. In case of non-compliance with these obligations, the travel organizer removes all responsibility for the damage caused and the traveler pays for it at the scene of the event. During the trip, the passenger is obliged to follow the personal safety rules that any average person would use. The travel organizer is not responsible for the passenger’s actions concerning his personal safety. By contracting the trip, the passenger specifically undertakes to protect the privacy of all other passengers in the group, and not to write down, record, photograph or store their personal data in any way, such as any document or paper with a list of names and surnames, and any other personal data as defined by the GDPR regulation, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016). Any recording of someone else’s personal data, for which the Agency is defined as a data controller according to the GDPR regulation, may be subject to fines of up to hundreds of thousands of kuna, and the AGENCY has the right to seek compensation for all damages resulting from the unlawful violation of the privacy of other members of the group by any Passenger.


14.1. Conditions for booking and purchasing tickets in the air transport of Passengers
The AGENCY does not own its own planes and does not carry out the air transport of passengers and goods, but in the sale of air tickets it acts exclusively as a sales agent of air carriers, acting on behalf and on behalf of the airline company.

14.1.1. Flight reservation
When making a flight reservation, the Passenger is obliged to provide the exact name, surname and gender of each Passenger as they are indicated on the identification travel document that the Passenger will use for that trip. Despite great care, when making a reservation, due to an error in the exchange of information, errors in name, surname, gender, dates, times, flights, departure and destination are possible. The passenger is obliged to check the received confirmation of the reservation and inform the AGENCY without delay of any errors in the name, surname, gender, dates, times, flights, departure and destination in order to make corrections as soon as possible. If the Traveler, after receiving the reservation/offer, and before confirming the purchase, does not inform the AGENCY about an error in the name, surname, gender, dates, times, flights, departure and destination, all the information will be considered correct. Unless otherwise indicated in the reservation/offer, the reservation is valid for 24 hours from the moment of reservation, after which, if the Traveler does not confirm, i.e. purchase a ticket, it is automatically cancelled. The airline may at any time change and/or cancel the currently valid tariffs without prior notice, which may lead to a change in the price from the moment of making the reservation/offer to the moment of confirmation/purchase of the ticket. The valid tariff at the time of ticket issuance is applied.

14.1.2. Airline ticket / e-ticket
After confirmation of the reservation by the Passenger, the AGENCY as a sales agent of the airlines, on behalf of the carrier, issues to the Passenger an electronic confirmation of ticket purchase (electronic ticket, e-ticket, label, etix) containing name, surname, gender and sequential list of all flights to by which the transport reservation has been made with the travel dates, After confirmation of the reservation by the Passenger, the AGENCY, as the airline’s sales agent, on behalf of the carrier, issues to the Passenger an electronic ticket purchase confirmation (electronic ticket, e-ticket, eticket, etix) containing the name, surname, gender and a sequential list of all flights on with which the transportation reservation was made with travel dates, departures and destinations, as well as the reservation number under which the carrier maintains the reservation in its reservation system. After the purchase/confirmation of the purchase, i.e. the issuance of the e-ticket, it is not possible to subsequently change any element of the ticket. Once issued, the airline ticket constitutes a contract of carriage between the airline and the Passenger. The ticket, as a transport contract, is in the name and surname of the Passenger and is not transferable to another person.

14.1.3. Boarding pass
Before boarding the aircraft, the Passenger must check in for the flight in one of the ways
offered by the airline that issued the ticket (e.g. at the check-in counter at the airport, on the carrier’s website, at the self-service vending machine, etc.). The airline may charge a fee for certain flight check-in methods. After checking in for the flight, the carrier issues a boarding pass to the Passenger in paper and / or electronic form for each flight separately, which is used to enter the aircraft and as a luggage certificate if luggage is handed over for transport. In the case of paper bo

Before boarding the plane, the Passenger must independently check in for the flight in one of the ways
offered by the airline that issued the ticket (e.g. at the airport check-in counter, on the carrier’s website, at a self-service machine, etc.). The airline may charge a fee for certain flight check-in methods. After applying for the flight, the carrier issues a boarding pass to the Passenger in paper and/or electronic form for each flight separately, which is used for boarding the plane and as a baggage check if baggage is handed over for transportation. In the case of paper boarding passes, the airline may refuse boarding to a Passenger who cannot present the original paper boarding pass, if it has been issued, at the entrance to the aircraft. The air carrier is not obliged to fulfill the contractual obligation of transportation if the name and surname of the Passenger are different on the electronic ticket/boarding pass and on the personal travel document presented by the Passenger when applying for transportation and/or when boarding the aircraft.

In case of cancellation of the airline ticket by the passenger, the passenger bears the cost of cancellation of the airline ticket, which is determined by the conditions of the airline company whose ticket was issued. Given that these are mostly the cheapest tickets whose penalties are 100%, for this reason we suggest paying for a cancellation insurance policy. For individual trips, if vouchers for accommodation and other services have been issued, the cancellation costs depend on the conditions of the mentioned suppliers. We recommend paying for a cancellation insurance policy.

14.2. Special conditions for booking and paying for an airline ticket and fees for issuing an airline ticket
Special payment terms and conditions apply to the payment of air tickets. Unless otherwise indicated in the reservation/offer, the reservation is valid for 24 hours from the moment of reservation. If the Passenger purchases a ticket with a credit card, he is obliged to provide information about a valid credit card before the expiration of the reservation period and to ensure that the same can and can be charged for the total amount of the ticket and TSC, and that the Passenger is not a personal user of the credit card listed on the card has permission for the same from the card user. If the Passenger buys a ticket by payment to the AGENCY’s transaction account opened at Raiffeisen bank Austria Zagreb, he is obliged to take into account the NKS time schedule for executing transactions of the financial institution from which he issues the payment order, in order to be sure that the AGENCY can before the deadline for the reservation expires valid to register the paid funds on their transaction account in the RBA. If the AGENCY does not record the paid funds on its transaction account in the RBA by the specified deadline, the AGENCY bears no responsibility for the cancellation of the reservation by the airline. Neither the carrier nor the AGENCY can guarantee that it will be possible to re-book a seat on the same flights at the same price, and in that case the Passenger can decide to make a new reservation at the prices available at that time, and make an additional payment up to the new available ticket price within the new deadline set by carrier or to cancel the purchase and refund the previously paid funds after they are recorded in the AGENCY account, without purchasing a ticket. The airline reserves the right to cancel the reservation and/or already purchased tickets without prior notice, for which the AGENCY assumes no responsibility. A refund of the ticket agency fee (TSC) is not possible.

14.2.1. Cancellation and/or changes made by airlines without the Passenger’s consent
Air carriers, due to certain circumstances, reserve the right to change flight schedules, which includes changing take-off and landing times, as well as canceling flights without prior notice. The electronic ticket is a contract between the airlines and the Passenger, whereby the AGENCY acts only as a sales agent of the airlines and is not responsible for changes/cancellations made to the reservation/e-ticket by the airlines themselves.

14.2.2. Cancellation and/or changes requested by the Passenger
Cancellations and changes (eg flights, departures and/or destinations) are subject to the terms of the tariff of the purchased air ticket. If the AGENCY has not indicated otherwise in the offer/reservation, in case of cancellation by the Passenger, the air ticket does not allow a refund of the fare, does not allow a refund of unused airline and/or airport fees, does not allow changes of flights, including changes of departure and/or destination airport. All options for changing a ticket once issued are subject to the conditions of the tariff according to which the ticket was issued, including the possibility of refunds after purchase (tariffs and/or fees), the possibility of changing flights, departures and/or destinations, as well as the amount of the change/cancellation fee if it is the same tariff allowed. In the case of tariffs that allow changing flights with the payment of an additional fee, in addition to the fee, it is necessary to pay the difference between the already paid tariff and the one that is available on the new flights at the time of the change, if there are no more seats on the originally purchased tariff.
If the trip is cancelled, and according to the conditions of the airline ticket tariff, the Passenger has the right to a refund, the funds will be returned to the Passenger upon the approval of the airline (the time limit for the refund depends solely on the airline and sometimes takes a few months from the date of cancellation) in the same way how the ticket was purchased. The cancellation of the trip must be submitted in writing via e-mail to the address: or or in writing by post to the address: ATLANTIS TRAVEL DOO Petrinjska 59 10000 Zagreb, or in person by coming to the office and delivering it written notice of termination to the AGENCY employee. If the ticket is not canceled within the deadline defined by the airline, and the Passenger does not show up for the flight, he will be considered a No-show passenger.

14.2.3. No show
In the event that the Passenger did not check-in for the flight on time and/or did not appear at the gate to board the aircraft, he/she is considered a No-show passenger. The airline will automatically cancel all further flights in the airline ticket that cannot be used. Depending on the fare, the passenger does not generally have the right to a refund or the right to change the ticket for another flight.

14.2.4. Sequence of flight coupons and their use

During ticket issuance, a separate e-coupon is issued to the passenger in the electronic ticket for each booked flight. The ticket purchased by the Passenger is valid for transportation from the point of departure, via the specified intermediate landing points or transfer points, to the landing point specified on the purchase confirmation/e-ticket. The price of the purchased ticket is calculated according to the airline tariffs based on the entire journey indicated on the ticket. Changing the travel route also leads to a change in the tariff, and thus the ticket price. When confirming/purchasing the ticket, the passenger also accepts the obligation to use the flights in sequence as specified in the e-ticket (eg it is not possible to not use the outgoing flight and then still use the return flight). When attempting to use flights outside the order specified in the ticket, all further flights will be cancelled, and the Passenger loses the possibility of using them, as well as the right to return the unused part of the ticket. In such a case, the Carrier may request a recalculation of the tariff according to the actual order of flight use, which may result in a higher tariff reimbursed by the Passenger.

14.2.5. Complaints in case of denied boarding, delay and / or cancellation of flight by airlines
If the Passenger has a complaint due to denied boarding, flight delay and/or cancellation or some other irregularity related to transportation (e.g. luggage), the Passenger is obliged to send the claim for compensation directly to the airline that caused the irregularity. The AGENCY is in the role of a sales agent and is not authorized to handle complaints on behalf of the airline. The airline does not consider all requests received from the agent related to passenger complaints to be valid.

14.2.6 Travel on low-cost airlines (e.g. Easy Jet, Vueling, Ryan Air…)
For travel on some low-cost airlines, the passenger is obliged to provide the correct information required for issuing a boarding pass up to 15 days before the start of the trip: exact name and surname, date of birth, travel document number, date until which the travel document is valid, and citizenship. For a passenger’s cancellation of a trip on a low-cost airline, the passenger bears the cost of the airline ticket in full or the cost of changing the name, according to the conditions of the low-cost airlines. The cost of the hotel and the rest of the arrangement is calculated according to the General conditions for cancellation of passengers for European trips


The general travel conditions for package arrangements do not apply to travel in a related travel arrangement, except for the part of passenger protection in case of agency insolvency. A connected travel arrangement implies at least two different types of travel services purchased for the purposes of the same trip or vacation that do not represent a package arrangement (eg individual hotel reservation, air ticket, transfer and similar additional services). When traveling in connected travel arrangements, the Agency acts in the name and on behalf of the service provider, i.e. as an authorized sales agent of various service providers (airline companies, hotels, transfers, agencies for booking tourist services, etc.) and each of the Service Providers is solely responsible for proper performance of their services in accordance with the contract. In the final travel documents, the Traveler will be informed about the contact of the service provider. If the Passenger cancels a related travel arrangement that includes an air ticket and accommodation or some other service, GO retains 100% of the price of the air ticket from the total price of the arrangement in the name of cancellation costs (unless otherwise stated in the conditions of the purchased tariff), regardless of the time period before the start of the trip, and for the cancellation of accommodation and other services, the conditions from point 8 apply (except when the service is booked under special conditions that do not allow refunds or changes to the reservation, the so-called non-refundable tariff, according to which the service provider retains 100% of the service in question).


These General Terms and Conditions apply to all arrangements where the Agency is the main organizer, except in the case where the AGENCY is an intermediary or not the main travel organizer. For such arrangements, the responsible organizer will be indicated in the contract, and the general terms and conditions of the responsible organizer apply to that trip, and the AGENCY is not responsible for the implementation of tourist arrangements by other organizers. By signing the contract, the Traveler fully accepts the program and conditions of the trip


If the services provided by the program are incomplete or of poor quality, the passenger may claim proportionate compensation by submitting a written complaint. Complaint procedure:

  • Immediately on the spot, the passenger advertises an inappropriate service to the tourist escort, or representative of the organizer, and if not, to the service provider. The passenger is obliged to submit a written complaint to the AGENCY, within 8 days from the day of the end of the trip. Complaints lodged after the 8-day deadline will not be considered. We emphasize that it is in the passenger’s interest to act in good faith and express a will to resolve complaints during the trip and send his written complaint to the service provider on the spot (reception, carrier, caterer or travel agency in the destination) and request written confirmation from the service provider received an objection. Each passenger – contract holder submits a complaint separately. The AGENCY will not consider group complaints. The AGENCY is obliged to issue a written decision on the complaint within 15 days of receiving the complaint in the manner in which the complaint was received (by e-mail, mail or personal delivery to which it will be replied by a written return). The AGENCY may postpone the deadline for resolving the complaint due to the collection of information and verification of the allegations of the complaint with the service provider for a maximum of another 15 working days. The AGENCY will deal only with those complaints for which the passenger submits proof that he has sent a written complaint to the service provider on the spot and that the cause could not be remedied on the spot. If due to the fault of the AGENCY there is a non-fulfillment of the program or part of the services, the passenger is entitled to compensation in the amount of the actual value of unused services and cannot include already used services or the entire amount of the arrangement. In the case of concluding a contract for organizing a trip as a “last minute” (last minute trip) or a contract where the name of the accommodation passenger learns only upon arrival at the destination (actions such as: fortune, roulette, no name, as, jocker, etc. ), The PASSENGER accepts all risks of such travel. Such trips contain uncertain facts that the AGENCY cannot influence, and the PASSENGER has accepted such a trip primarily due to the more favorable price, and therefore the PASSENGER has no right to object to the AGENCY. The competent authority under whose official supervision the ATLANTIS TRAVEL travel agency is subject to is: MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORTS, Independent Tourism Inspection Sector, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1 10 000 Zagreb. In the event of a dispute concerning an online sales and online services contract, the consumer may file a complaint , ie initiate the procedure for online dispute resolution through the online dispute resolution platform available at the following link
  • Until the AGENCY decides on the passenger’s complaint, the passenger waives the mediation of any other person, court institution or giving information to the media.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Each passenger / Contract holder submits a complaint separately and the Agency will not consider group complaints.


The passenger provides personal data voluntarily. The personal data of passengers are needed in the process of realization of the agreed arrangements and will be used for further communication. The AGENCY undertakes not to take the passenger’s personal data out of the country except for the purpose of implementing the agreed arrangements. The Agency undertakes not to take them out of the country or deliver them to third parties except for the purpose of providing certain services, which are the subject of the passenger’s request (eg taking out some form of travel insurance, obtaining visas, hotel reservations, airline tickets, etc.) of the performed program, ie by achieving the purpose for which the data were collected, they are, in accordance with the terms of individual contracts, and after the expiration of the legal deadlines for the right of appeal, necessarily destroyed. Written data is destroyed by a paper cutter, while those stored on the server are permanently deleted. Personal data of passengers will be stored in a database, in accordance with the Decision of the Management Board on the manner of collecting, processing and storing personal data. The Passenger agrees that his personal data may be used for the purpose of implementing contractual arrangements and marketing actions of the AGENCY.


The notices that the passenger receives at the check-in point do not bind the organizer to a greater extent than the notices and information listed in the travel program itself.


The gift voucher is a means of payment in paper form, numbered with a unique number when issued. The issuer issues it with the payment of funds made and the amount of which is determined by the user. The gift voucher can be used for a trip of your choice from the offer of the Atlantis travel doo agency. The amount on the gift voucher is valid until the date stated on the gift voucher, after the deadline the amount on the gift voucher cannot be used. It is not possible to pay the amount already paid on the gift voucher. By paying the amount, the user accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Atlantis with a gift voucher and is considered to be familiar with them.


The offered combination of travel services is a package deal in the sense of the Law on Provision of Services in Tourism. The passenger therefore has all the rights arising from the provisions of the Law on the provision of services in tourism relating to the package deal. Travel agency ATLANTIS TRAVEL DOO is fully responsible for the proper execution of the package deal as a whole. Travel agency ATLANTIS TRAVEL DOO has a legally prescribed guaranteed guarantee for compensation of passenger payments and, if the transport is included in the package deal, ensuring the repatriation of passengers in case it becomes insolvent.


These general conditions and instructions for tourist arrangements are an integral part of the Contract that the passenger concludes with the Agency or with the authorized travel agency for whose trip he has decided. By paying the advance, the passenger fully accepts the program and conditions of the trip.

These conditions and travel instructions are valid from 12.02.2025. and exclude all previous conditions and travel instructions.

They comply with EU Directive 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on package travel and related arrangements (available at:
as well as the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism (OG 130/2017) which has been in force since 1 July 2018 (available at the link: )

The passenger undertakes to try to resolve possible disputes amicably in accordance with the conditions. If this is not possible, in the event of a dispute, the court in Zagreb has jurisdiction, and Croatian law applies.
According to the Law on the Provision of Services in Tourism, a passenger may submit a proposal for resolving a dispute before a body from the list of notified bodies for alternative resolution of consumer disputes in accordance with the law governing alternative resolution of consumer disputes.

Alternative dispute resolution related to the contract, on the authorized bodies for alternative dispute resolution by which the trader is covered and on the platform for online resolution of these disputes, in accordance with the provisions of a special law on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes.
Information on currently notified bodies for alternative dispute resolution is available on the website of the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts:
The online consumer dispute resolution platform is available at:
Competent body whose official supervision is the activity of a travel agency in publishing and providing services in tourism:
State Inspectorate Tourist Inspectorate Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb
E-mail address:


I expressly state that I have voluntarily made the personal data of the contractor and the passenger available to the tour operator / intermediary agency and I allow the same to be used in order to protect my interests and the interests of the passengers in all business I contract. This includes passing this information on to third parties at home and abroad. Third parties are considered to be the persons necessary for the realization of this trip / service. This data can also be used for further communication with each other. The Agency undertakes to keep personal data in the database for a maximum of three years, in accordance with the decision of the travel agency on the manner of collecting, processing and storing personal data. The Agency undertakes not to disclose, give or sell this information to a third party, except for the purpose of providing the requested service. The exception to the provision of personal data to third parties relates to the contracting of insurance against the risk of cancellation, the consequences of an accident and the risk of damage and loss of luggage, as well as for voluntary supplementary health insurance of passengers during travel and stay abroad.
If the passenger concludes an insurance policy, personal data will be forwarded to the insurance company.

These general travel conditions are valid from February 12, 2025. and are an integral part of every trip and contract.


Mirjana Horvat
Atlantis tavel doo
Petrinjska 59
HR-10 000 Zagreb

Tel +385(0) 1 4811155
HR-AB -01-08289885
Reg. Sud: Trgovački sud u Zagrebu /Tt-12/20584-1


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